This was a very interesting project shown inclass to get us thinking about possible ideas for interactive media using code.
'The Victoria & Albert Museum commissioned us to create the Madejski Garden Winter Light Installation for 2008-9, to mark the start of their new digital programme of exhibitions. Besides being an engaging artwork, it had to be weatherproof, and have a presence beyond the Museum.'
'A 4 metre high LED videowall and speaker system was placed above the water, connected to a Mac Pro generating the realtime audio and visual content. The software generates a daily video podcast of the artwork, forever. A series of 20,000 unique generative postcards were printed to promote the event.'
'The installation had 100,000+ visitors throughout its 3 month stay, the video podcast spread worldwide reaching #2 in the iTunes Arts podcast chart.It has since been exhibited as 6 simultaneous window projections and 800 wall mounted postcards in the SIAD Gallery, Sheffield.'
I found this art work to be very interesting demonstration of digital software code and medium to create riveting artwork. What first comes to mind when viewing this artwork, it is said that every interpretation of an art work is different for each individual. This artwork generates a constant changing experience of both visual and audio truly offering a unique experience to every responder to be evaluated in kind.
This artwork is a very good example of using magnetic field line libraries to produce a new visual component. I could also use this artwork to consider possibly combining resulting mediums. For example i shouldn't be bound by only producing one avenue of response. I could mix the experience by offering alternation of audio, visual, touch etc responses to different interactions with the media.
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