Tuesday, September 7, 2010

other research into touch screeens

Touch screens are definitely not an original idea now a days but most of them are just like the science plasma balls you can buy at any $2 shop. These while attractive do not satisfy the project requirements. the effects of such displays are useful but i want to step away from the one touch one result concept and move more into each interaction to give a different out puts. So that a group of people can use this system and have fun and experiment with the code and create something new.

other examples of bars have done these sorts of systems (plasma balls), i wanted to use on the glass has an interactive feature. (so the use of hands on the bar does not effect the systems) I also wanted the song to be able to create an input (eg. color changes, creation of particles, etc)


This is a good example of how i would like to implement this system, but is not what i want the final project to resemble.

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